Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"Dragonfly~1975 thru 2016"

Wow '75 to 2016 is a hell of a haul! That's how long this title has been around. Above is my "Great Feet".  Thinking of using it for my Passport photo.  Anyway I went from a youth to an old fart on this.

Forty One Years,...imagine.

I began mimeographing little Queer-Zines under this title in the mid 1970's. It went from there to offset magazines Xerox-Art wood-cuts Radio programs, and plays assorted little videos to blogs.

Almost all of the fruits of these decades is lost.

Well okay some survive in University Libraries private collections, and New Jersey land-fills. I have most, maybe 60% of the drawings, and collages. However 'none' of the zines or little books, and assorted stuff.

That was all washed overboard during the very rough seas of my life. Almost just as well they did their job. The drawings have surfaced all over the west, and some the east.

My stuff made it to Russia.

The work above was originally for a friends book of poetry in 1976. He was later murdered by a homophobe. This little guy somehow ended up enlarged, and stenciled in the window of a small Russian art gallery.

The one below here Done somewhere in the 1990's. Appeared on a Danish Pagan blog. Which is odd since I think line drawings of any mammal under 18 carries the death penalty or some such now.  

He could be 18, but faeries are long lived...so more likely 300.

All was unattributed because I never signed anything. That was on purpose I just wanted it to travel, and it did.  ...good.

This is the latest "Dragonfly" blog. Maybe 7 or 8 before this have over the years been destroyed. Deleted as this 'will' eventually be. So while it lasts I hope you enjoy it. 

You may want to download the stories, and rants if you want to keep them.

Stay Tuned.

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